Your Wedding, Your Rules: A $3K Wedding in 30 Days—Kaitlynn's Story

Weddings. When we hear that word, we often think of Pinterest-perfect venues, gourmet dinners, and a price tag that’s enough to make anyone sweat. But guess what? It doesn’t have to be that way. In today’s episode of Hey Bride, I chat with Kaitlynn, who proved that you can have a beautiful, meaningful wedding for less than $3,000—AND pull it off in under 30 days. 🎉

That’s right. Kaitlyn’s story is proof that when you stay true to yourself and lean into your support system, your wedding can be exactly what you want it to be, no matter what challenges you face. Here’s a sneak peek of the magic she pulled off:

1. Throw Out the Rulebook

Kaitlyn’s original plan was for a more traditional wedding, complete with a big venue and all the frills. But life threw her and her fiancé a curveball, and instead of postponing their wedding (which would’ve added even more stress), they decided to move it UP by four months! 😱 What followed was a whirlwind of creativity, community support, and love.

2. Lean on Your Village

The phrase “it takes a village” has never been more true than in Kaitlynn’s wedding. From asking her dad to host the wedding in his backyard to letting her in-laws provide food, Kaitlynn embraced the help of her loved ones—and it paid off big time. Decorations? Handled. Venue? Covered. A menu of delicious home-cooked food? You bet. And you know what? Everyone had a blast contributing!

3. Break-up with Traditions 

Kaitlynn didn’t think twice about having a potluck-style wedding reception, even if it’s probably not what most people would have expected. By the end of the day, even her mom was raving about how much food they had and how personal and fun the whole event felt. The best part? Kaitlyn stuck to her vision and didn’t let “societal norms” dictate how her wedding should look or feel… And, it might even become an annual family tradition! 

That’s Easy: DO YOU!

At the heart of Kaitlyn’s wedding is a message that every bride needs to hear: Your wedding is YOURS. Whether you want to spend $3,000 or $30,000, have a guest list of 20 or 200, what matters most is that it reflects YOU and your partner.

Kaitlyn’s ability to trust her gut, ask for help, and let go of perfection led to a day filled with joy, love, and surprise visits from family members who moved heaven and earth to be there. 💖

Isn’t that what it’s all about? 

The celebration, the love, the connection?

Now Tune in and Get Inspired~

If you’re a bride who’s feeling the pressure of sticking to traditions or worrying about your budget, do yourself a favor and listen to Kaitlyn’s story. It’s a beautiful reminder that you don’t have to go into debt or stress yourself out to have a wedding that feels special.

Listen to today’s episode and trust me—you’ll walk away with ideas and inspiration for making YOUR wedding exactly what you want it to be.

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