Bridal Confidence

It's Cultivated Through Self-Belief and the Courage To Craft Your Dream Day, Your Way.

Hey there!

I'm Amy Cloonan

A life coach for brides but you can call me your wedding wingwoman, here to guide you through the wedding planning journey with your confidence and well-being not just intact, but restored!

Let’s face it, weddings can be little stress fests; it’s just the nature of the beast –  a normal physical reaction to a major life event.  But it shouldn’t dim the light of your bridal experience. As your coach, I’m here to help you navigate those stressors with strategies that work—not just clichés or forced positivity. As your wedding wingwoman, we’re in this together. I promise to ensure that your journey to ‘I do’ is sprinkled with joy, not just to do’s and decisions. By embracing the right tools and a supportive guide, your path becomes a joyous celebration of love and transition. 

Imagine sessions tailored just for you, sifting through the Belief Systems (yep, the BS) that hold you back, and strengthening your mindset to be as supportive as your bridal squad. In our calls, I’m not just a coach; I’m your co-navigator towards a wedding that feels like you. We’ll mix in self-care rituals that feel as good as finding the perfect dress and foster an atmosphere where choosing joy is as natural as falling in love. I’m all about keeping it real and meaningful—ready to dive in with you on this magical journey to your dream wedding.

When you hear “You got this,” know that I’m right beside you, saying, “And I’ve got you.” Together, we’ll make sure your road to ‘I do’ is sprinkled with happiness—ensuring your spirit is just as nurtured as your to-do list is checked.

As a Midwest mom of four and a newlywed, my life’s a testament to the fact that it’s never too late to create the story you want to live.

I’m all about shaking things up and breaking free from unsupportive BS – belief systems, that is. Helping people grow and step into their own, wholeheartedly, isn’t just my passion—it’s what I do best. I’ve walked through fire, grappling with unhealed trauma and embracing ADHD rather reluctantly, to aligning my life with my truest self and stepping into my power. 

Turning trials into triumphs wasn’t just my healing—it’s become my toolkit for sparking change in others.

My pivot to coaching brides came naturally, like a story waiting to be told. Walking down the aisle myself, I realized that weddings are more than a ceremony; they’re a rite of passage. They’re your chance to mix love, self-discovery, and celebration into one transformative experience. Coaching brides became my calling because I believe in the power of new beginnings and the beauty of saying a heartfelt “yes” to love, life, and your authentic self.

Get ready to dive deep in our sessions. We’ll tackle those limiting beliefs head-on and replace them with empowering actions that make you the champion of your life and the star of your wedding. Our journey together is about crafting an experience that’s beyond aesthetics—it’s about savoring the journey, embracing growth, reveling in pleasure, and finding joy in every step towards saying “I do” to yourself first.

To all the rule-breakers, the trailblazers, and the love warriors out there—let’s crank up the volume, sprinkle in some stardust, and create a wedding that’s as fearlessly authentic as you are.

Three Empowering Steps

Buckle up darlin —it’s time to ditch the ‘ stressed bride’ stereotype.  I’m here to help restore your confidence, carve out a path to well-being, and stoke the fires of your inner strength. Together, we’ll cut through the noise and focus on what makes you come alive. This isn’t just about tying the knot; it’s about the incredible transformation along the way, intertwining your dreams, personal growth, and a love that starts with the woman in the mirror.


Heart to Heart Consultation

In our initial chat, we put everything on the table. It’s about clarifying your vision, direction, and the obstacles between you and your dream wedding day.


Coaching plan & Session

Next, we dive into coaching, where you’re equipped with strategies and supported through the bespoke plan that brings your wedding dreams to life.


Support & Accountability

Between calls, I’m ready to offer support, keep you accountable, and provide that just-in-time pep talk or piece of advice via message-based coaching.

Get Coaching

Ready to swap those bridal blues for a friendly tune?

Say goodbye to the wedding overwhelm and hello to the joyful journey you envisioned! Booking a consultation is your first step towards a wedding experience filled with confidence, clarity and celebration. Hit that button, let’s schedule our heart-to-heart, and begin weaving the essence of your dream day into a reality, with your well-being as the star of the show.

Have a question? Leave a message and I’ll get back to you.