Elevate Your Bridal Experience

With confidence, heartfelt guidance, and well-being at the forefront, you have the power to navigate any challenge and bring to life the wedding journey you've always imagined.

Bridal Coaching

Your Journey from "Yes" to "Best Day Ever!"

Picture this: It’s been one of those days where nothing’s going right —  half your bridal party has bailed on your fitting. You’re more than just miffed; you’re hurt, feeling like you’re solo in all of this. Tears start to spill, not just messing with the makeup you just did, but the day you had set your heart on. 

Friend, here’s the magic of coaching — instead of sulking, you grab your phone, send a quick message, and just like that, you’ve got on-the-spot guidance from someone who can help you navigate through this. 

This is the moment when ‘overwhelmed’ shifts to ‘over it’ — thanks to a coach who’s got your back.

If you’re nodding along, feeling the tug of “Yes, that’s exactly what I need,” then why wait? Hit the button below and book your consultation call now. Because with the right coach, even the rockiest parts of your wedding journey can become stepping stones to the best day ever.

One-on-One coaching is an easeful way to help  brides like you reclaim the joy and anticipation of  your wedding journey, transforming stress into celebration.

Feeling overwhelmed by the process

Let's work through it

Four legit reasons to include one-on-one coaching in your wedding budget.

Step Into Your Dream Wedding Journey

Buckle Up, Darlin’ — Let’s rewrite the ‘stressed bride’ narrative together. It’s about crafting a journey where well-being and self-discovery are as crucial as the vows you’ll exchange. It’s a transformative adventure, with a touch of magic and a whole lot of heart, tailored just for you.

Step 1: The Heart-to-Heart Kickoff

This ain't no cookie-cutter consultation; our first chat is where we lay it all on the table—your hopes, dreams, and the real you. It's about getting clear on where you stand and where you're headed, It's about shining a light on what's holding you apart from the wedding experience you desire and deserve. This is your moment to take the reins and set the foundation for a wedding journey that's unmistakably you. Its fire.

Step 2: The Live Sessions

This is where we roll up our sleeves and get to work. Together, we’ll dive into the heart of my coaching strategies, equipping you with a personalized toolbox of techniques that will carry you through the planning process with grace and gusto. You’ll walk away from these sessions with actionable steps, empowering mindset shifts, and all the insider knowledge you need to navigate your wedding prep with confidence and joy.

Step 3: On-the-go Coaching

The journey doesn't end when we're not face-to-face. I'm your on-call wedding wingwoman, ready to offer support, keep you accountable, and provide that just-in-time pep talk or piece of advice via message-based coaching. This ongoing, personalized support ensures you feel heard, supported, and energized every step of the way—right up to the moment you step forward and say 'I do.'

Coaching Packages

Let’s Talk About The Investment

Planning a wedding isn’t just about crossing off tasks; it’s about creating a journey that’s as full of life and love as you are. With my ‘made for you’ coaching, we craft a day that resonates with your deepest dreams and find joy along the path that leads there.

Whether it’s a 3-month sprint, a 6-month adventure, or a year-long journey, packages all come down to our time together. 

The investment ranges from  $97 to $3000, tailored to your needs and timeline. And yeah – it’s super flexible. But you’ll learn how awesome that is during our consultation call. 

  • Consultation: A 60-minute chat to dig into your dreams and tackle those tricky bits. We might spin the Bridal Wellness Wheel or peek at your natal chart, human design, or enneagram to get to know you better. All the information I gather during this call will be reflected in your plan. 
  • Bespoke Plan: You’ll receive a custom proposal via HoneyBook within 72 hours of our chat, detailing your chosen package with clear timelines and key focus areas.
  • The Kick-Off: Once you’re onboard, you’ll schedule your first session
  • On-the-Go Coaching: Access to me for guidance, encouragement, or celebration between our sessions – All the juicy stuff that happens in between coaching calls 

Ready to transform wedding stress into wedding success? Let’s make it a reality, together! Book your consultation and let’s get started!

Common Q And A:

1. How is coaching different from hiring a wedding planner

Coaching focuses not just on the logistics of wedding planning but also on your personal well-being and growth. While a planner handles the practicalities, a coach helps you manage stress, make confident decisions, and ensure the process aligns with your values and vision.

2. Is coaching really necessary to fully enjoy my wedding journey

No, it's a luxury. Having a coach can profoundly enhance your experience. Coaching focuses on your emotional well-being, helping you navigate the stresses and decisions of wedding planning. It's about making sure the journey to your big day is as joyous and fulfilling as the event itself.

3.What if I only need help with certain aspects of my wedding?

That’s the beauty of personalized coaching. We can focus on the areas where you need the most support, whether it’s decision-making, stress management, or anything else specific to your journey.

4 Will I lose control of my wedding planning if I work with a coach?

Absolutely not! Coaching is about empowering you to make decisions that are true to you. It’s a collaborative process where your vision always leads the way.

5. How will you tailor your coaching approach to suit my specific needs?

My coaching is deeply personalized. During our initial consultation, we'll explore your preferences and personality using tools like the Enneagram, Myers-Briggs, and, if you're open to it, approaches like Human Design or your natal chart. These insights allow me to understand your unique perspective and tailor my coaching to your individual style, ensuring our sessions are as effective and resonant as possible.

6. How will I recognize the success of my coaching experience?

You’ll feel it! It's in the resilience that steadies you when others question your choices, the confidence that bubbles up with each decision you make, and the joy in every stress-free chuckle. It's in the sense of calm that carries you through to your wedding day, even as you firmly stick to your vision. This journey, infused with love and guided by wisdom, is your story — a narrative of strength and celebration, joyously embraced at every turn.

I’ll leave you with this.

A wedding marks a milestone in your already beautiful life. Your journey to it is about so much more than just a single day. It’s about embracing every moment and finding meaning in tasks you’re completing, it’s about who you are in the process of becoming and staying true to yourself.  If you’re ready to embark on this transformative journey with me, your next step is just a click away. Check out my calendar below to book your consultation, and let’s start crafting a wedding experience that’s as uniquely beautiful as your love story.

Book A Free Consultation

Begin the wedding journey you deserve – a path filled with joy, understanding, and personalized support starts here.